About Us
QuantumG Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is a technology-oriented Malaysia-based company providing a complete range of sanitization and disinfection products from medical grade face mask, sanitizer to daily disinfectants.
We also focus on providing advanced sanitization & disinfection treatment to solve poor indoor air quality or bacteria inhibited environment.
With our years of experiences, we proceed ourselves as an organization that develop and integrate advanced technologies into healthcare and wellness products.
We dedicate to elevate the public lifestyle in creating a Healthy, Hygiene and Safe living environment to protect our beloved.

Our Technology
QuantumG main active ingredients are made of Copper Ionic, Nano Silver and Titanium Dioxide. By nature, these elements are proven to be effective against bacteria & virus elimination.
With our QR-TAC™ & QR-C™ technologies enhancement, our products that are infused with a proprietary Quantum Energy are capable to vanish 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and microbes in just less than 60 seconds.
QuantumG™ product is also proven as a safe to-be-used product for adults, kids and even pets as it passed skin irritation, eyes irritation, oral toxicity and inhalation toxicity tests by accreditable laboratory.